Electrodermal screening is non-invasive. There are no needles, no blood tests and no pain, making it suitable for patients of any age, including infants. To do the test, you sit in a chair fully clothed. To test one or both of your hands and feet, you will hold a small brass hand mass while the technician tests points on the other hand and/or feet. As the test happens, we log the point readings and this data is given to Dr. Preston for interpretation. This test is to help gather specific information only and is not considered treatment.
It is not intended to replace conventional medical care and diagnosis and does not provide diagnosis of any kind. It is strictly a means of gathering information about the body. We are first and foremost a Traditional Chinese Medicine wellness clinic and our diagnoses are based on TCM terminology relating to this system of medicine and the internal and external imbalances of the body.
Stay hydrated, and on the day of your test avoid alcohol, perfume and skin lotion on your hands and feet.
Chinese herbal medicine as well as other herbal tinctures, mixtures, liquids, drops, pills, tablets, and homeopathics may all be considered remedies. We provide a custom protocol for you based on your unique condition/illness.
Chinese herbal medicine as well as other herbal tinctures, mixtures, liquids, drops, pills, tablets, and homeopathics may all be considered remedies. We provide a custom protocol for you based on your unique condition/illness.
Extended care plans cover many of our treatments. We have on staff a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Dr. TCM), a Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) and Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs). Please check with your insurance provider to see what coverage you may be eligible for. We do not offer direct billing. View our list of services or contact us to find out more.